the Lost Whale writing

hi bloggers, today ill be blogging about my whale story. the first thing i did was to plan all my stuff and then  write the story in my book. after i have written it you have to publish it and then embed it onto your blog.

think you for checking out my blog and remember to comment.

check out this doc slideshow or just read my story under it.

anyways hope you enjoy!!!

The Lost Whale




Once there lived a Whale, his name is Mr Dumb whale, Mr Dumb whale was found on a farm by 

some trees and some bushes. Mr Dumb whale felt the sun rise up to him. It was the evening 

when a little boy was wandering around playing, he went behind a bush and found him.Mr 

Dumb Whale’s type was a flying whale and he is probably lost.




The next day some farmers informed and called the police and some professionals to see what was going on. Soon enough the news spread and in seconds the whole world knew that there was a flying whale and that made Mr Dumb Whale Frustrated. Lots and lots of people tried to get Mr Dumb Whale to move or even fly off, but Mr dumb whale just would not move, The Professionals investigated for days, and then it started to become weeks and then months! Then Mr Dumb Whale started Becoming more and more aggressive, and started to get filled with fury and anger.




For days, Mr dumb whale stayed there, less people came. But one day some scientists discovered there was a special liquid that can be used to lure and then detected a pack of flying whales. So they lured Mr Dumb whale with the liquid. Time was running out and then suddenly, Mr Dumb flew off and then he was reunited with his family! After some years Mr Dumb came to the lab and thanked the scientists by bringing his family there and then performed dances,  and lifted things up. When it was the end of the day they all said goodbye and flew off to hibernate.


The End

they lived happily ever after

or did they…

. what hapend?

. did they get hurt?

. or something else…?



week 9 poetry tasks

hi bloggers, it’s the last week of swimming tasks! today illl be talking about poetry! so, for the poetry tasks for week 9 swimming tasks we will make a poetry investigation sheet again!

this time we will be making another sheet and my buddy was myself!

i kind of copied my other one, but i remade the facts and stuff!

like both of the poems rhyme and they had the same author! who could have known the teachers made two poems from the same author!

if you want to check out the slideshow you can and remember to check out my other poetry blog! but anyways remember to leave a comment and otherwise if you want to check out my other blogs you also can! but anyways, see you bloggers!




reading create tasks week 9 term 1

hi bloggers, it’s the second day of swimming and today ill be showing you what this week’s blog will be about reading! for create task 1 we need to make a slide about our journals interesting facts, the title of your book and what it was about.

this is a picture !

for create task 2 we had to make a three poems about anzac day and but it together into a slide. since there was no link i made my own slideshow and named it Anzac Day!


check out this slideshow!

after you’ve read the or looked at the slideshow make to leave a comment!

anyways, have a great day!



writing poetry! swimming tasks

hi bloggers, this week is swimming tasks and i am doing poetry / writing.

for poetry the first thing we did was choosing a story and then getting a buddy and we both created a google drawing. then we put our information on it and then you and your buddy would copy each others work and then the first slide would be done. my buddy is Malakai Dale. this is my drawing!

for the next task we had to make a slide about a comparison poem, and a wish poem and then that would be the end of our poetry work for this week’s swimming tasks!

check out this google slide!

anyways see you bloggers!

since i worked with Malakai and i added this later 💀

Giant Panda Facts! Read this to learn more about Giant Pandas

this week i finished my own animal report on publishing and i wrote about Giant Panda facts.

If you have any comments click the permalink to type in the bottom.

thanks for reading this 😉

China facts




This week I’ll be writing about Chineses food, culture, location, landmarks and history facts.




1 The most popular dish in China is the kung pao Chicken. 


2 Chinese dishes are symbolic and a diverse range of vegetables are enjoyed in Chinese Cuisine.


3 Rice is China’s most major food.


4 Chinese rice is mainly grown in the Southern part of China.


5 Did you know the food made in CHina is healthy?




1 There are 56 minorities in China and the Chinese Zodiac has a great importance.


2 Emphasis on a family is huge in China and the Chinese tea is more than just something to drink.


3 Chinese kung fu comes with several different styles.


4 China is deeply influenced by confucianism.


5 In China ping pong is the most popular sport in China. 




1 China is located in the southwest of Asia.


2 China is the most popular country.


3 Ancient China’s large land was separated away by big deserts.


4 China is the third biggest country in the world.

5 China is the biggest country in Asia.




1 The most popular Landmark in Asia is the Great Wall.


2 There are 56 World heritage sites in China.


3 The oldest landmark is the Songyue Pagoda.


4 The Great Wall of China is the 2nd most popular landmark in the world.


5 Shanghai is home to many popular landmarks.




1 In the beginning of Ancient China the first parts of the Great Wall were built.


2 The Chinese often say that the China People have had more than 5000 years of history.


3 The bike was first seen in China in the 19th century.


4 When the bike was first seen in China the bike had been used as a luxury item.


5 One of the most popular inventions in China was the paper that we use and before People used paper they used silk, wood, and bamboo or carvings to draw on, and before paper was invented silk was very expensive because of that it is similar to paper.




When I was writing this information report I learned a lot of facts like the Great Wall of China was the most popular landmark in Asia and the Great Wall of China was the 2nd most popular landmark in the world and the first is the eiffel tower.

bye bloggers

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