my own classroom blog!

hi bloggers, today i’ll be talking about my reading own school design for this task we need to make a copy of a slide called copy of __ ‘s slide, second we need to look at all the videos and then we had to make a school design on a Google Drawing or paper, design what your school looks like. How are the buildings organised? What colour are they? Is the school one story high or five? Where are the play areas? ye so that is that we do next, the 3rd thing we are doing is making a classroom settings, like what are the subjects and etc….

the 4th thing we are doing is the rules and is it the same as our school or your school. for the last task we had to grab a piece of colouring paper from a school outfit and then we had to take a photo of it and then we took a photo of it and then posted it on the slide.

this is my slide, enjoy looking at it! 😆

Reading create task 1-3 term 4🫠

hello bloggers, today we will be looking at reading create tasks 1-3! for the first create task we have to make  a sports star sheet about  your favourite sports star, facts, and why. this is mine! 😁


well that is my first create task!

now lets talk about the 2nd create task. for the 2nd create task it is on Canva so i cant get a link or make a slideshow well i guess you can find the create task on the Ruru site reading, anyways I’ll still talk about it for the 2nd one you need to make a video of yourself recording

okay so now this is the last create tasks slideshow.

Reading creates task one week 7 and 8

hello bloggers.

today we will be looking at our week 7 and 8 create task one.

for our create task we need to do a problem – solution planing sheet, on the solution planing sheet we need to type up the problem first, then we type three steps to the solution.

after that we do the solution and if you have solved it the same way.

is you want to do this you have to go to the Ruru sight and go to reading, then you choose a book choice you have to do the three texts, after you’ve done the texts  you have to scroll to the start and do all the create task then you can blog it like i am!


this is my sheet thank you for reading!

don’t forget to comment!

reading week weeks 5 and 6

for this week for reading Rurus book choices are Heartbeats In The Dark, The Ngarara, The Journey, The Sun And Other Inventions, The Day Dad Stole My Christmas Present, and The Pet Day Problem.

The book choice I chose was The Day Dad Stole My Christmas Present. First you have to choose a book choice then you will read it with a teacher, after you’ve read it with a teacher you have to do the texts, and the texts are scaffolding text, complementary text, and challenge text.

When you have finished all the three texts, there will be two create tasks. The create task you choose will be the week 6 create task. There are 2 create tasks and finish them before you blog your reading.

Please comment on me 🙂

reading task the day of the pet problem

this week for reading we had 6 book choices the choose from and the book choices were heartbeats in the dark, the ngarara, the journey, the sun and other inventions, the day dad stole my Christmas present, and the pet day problem.

I chose the pet day problem and you have to do your bag and take a photo of your character then do the sheet.

hope you like my work please comment. 🙂 see you

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