
on term 3 Friday the year fours did basketball PE with Mrs Lee and Adele.

we switched each 10 bounces with a buddy and then we dribble with the ball.

for the second time we did basketball we chose a buddy and dribbled 5 times.

then we used the basketball hoop by  2 groups, the groups are Ruru and Kereru both used a netball to throw into hoop because the netball was smaller.

Ruru and Kereru used 2 different hoops and then we came into class and made a blog about basketball.

For the third time we had KH, SH, H, and M that means Kittyhawk, Skyhawk, Harvard, and Mustang.

The house colours are Boys vs Girls. We used the court and played a game, you have to dribble a ball and the opponent also dribbles one to you. Then when you and your opponent meet at the middle you do paper scissors rock and the person who wins dribble to the end of the court and for the loosing person they give the ball the person who is lined up second.

We need a court, 4 basketballs, 6 people or more, and we need to avoid the basketball hoop if we are playing by it.

After we’ve finished playing we go back to class and blog the work we’ve done on the blog we have been working on for the last three times.

We have to write about everything we’ve done this Friday witch is what I have done. 😀

make sure the comment! 🙂


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