Maori history slides updated

hi bloggers today ill be blogging my updated maori history slides from last term and added information from both term one and this term (term two). the things i added has fauna and flora, then and now of wigram, 3 plants to chose from and make a sketch of it and put it on a slide. one more canva presentation about birds, and etc…

the other thing i added was a bunch of facts and ill show u one right here.

The cabbage tree is one of the most distinctive trees in the New Zealand landscape, especially on farms. They grow all over the country, but prefer wet, open areas like swamps.

and also did you know that the trunk of the cabbage tree is so fire-resistant that early European settlers used it to make chimneys for their huts. Conveniently, too, the leaves made fine kindling. They also brewed beer from the root.

also a fact i liked a lot is

Māori used cabbage trees as a food, fibre and medicine. The root, stem and top are all edible, a good source of starch and sugar. The fibre is separated by long cooking or by breaking up before cooking. 

these are all facts from a screenshot in my slides that is about cabbage tree facts. i have six facts on the sheet of facts i just said and there a very long facts too!

there will be twelve slides in my updated maori history slideshow and this will be the last maori history slides i will be blogging.

these are the other three facts from that fact sheet.

Their strong root system helps stop soil erosion on steep slopes and because they tolerate wet soil, they are a useful species for planting along stream banks.

Cabbage trees are good 

colonising species, growing happily on bare ground or exposed places. 

Cabbage trees are one of the most widely cultivated New Zealand natives and are very popular in Europe, Britain and the U.S. In the U.K. they are known as Torquay palm.

that is all the facts, i hope you enjoyed this last maori history slides blog. but ill see you bloggers nexts time! check out this slideshow and also remember to comment and i will really appreciate it! see you bloggers!

c u l8r

i will also show you the code 🙂

<iframe src=”″ frameborder=”0″ width=”960″ height=”749″ allowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” webkitallowfullscreen=”true”></iframe>

four hundred words!

i made it none lookable for slide 12 but just press the slide button and then u can slide on it and see it!