reading week weeks 5 and 6

for this week for reading Rurus book choices are Heartbeats In The Dark, The Ngarara, The Journey, The Sun And Other Inventions, The Day Dad Stole My Christmas Present, and The Pet Day Problem.

The book choice I chose was The Day Dad Stole My Christmas Present. First you have to choose a book choice then you will read it with a teacher, after you’ve read it with a teacher you have to do the texts, and the texts are scaffolding text, complementary text, and challenge text.

When you have finished all the three texts, there will be two create tasks. The create task you choose will be the week 6 create task. There are 2 create tasks and finish them before you blog your reading.

Please comment on me 🙂

reading task the day of the pet problem

this week for reading we had 6 book choices the choose from and the book choices were heartbeats in the dark, the ngarara, the journey, the sun and other inventions, the day dad stole my Christmas present, and the pet day problem.

I chose the pet day problem and you have to do your bag and take a photo of your character then do the sheet.

hope you like my work please comment. 🙂 see you

writing character conversation pixton speech marks

This week for Writing we did a character conversation with your own Monster and Max from Where The Wild things Are.

For the task you write the conversation on your writing book first and add speech mark when your Monster and Max are exchanging questions.

So when you do your work you need to add speech marks, asking questions, and write it in your writing book first before making it on pixton.

After you’ve done your conversation on your book and checked it off with a teacher.

Then you write your conversation on your book you have to make a pixton of your character conversation with max and your monster.

after you have finished your conversation you have to write another problem to do and the problems are on the writing ruru site go into narrative writing and go on slide 11 to look for the problems you need to do.

hope you like my pixton bye

where_the_wild_things_are_speech_marks (6)


on term 3 Friday the year fours did basketball PE with Mrs Lee and Adele.

we switched each 10 bounces with a buddy and then we dribble with the ball.

for the second time we did basketball we chose a buddy and dribbled 5 times.

then we used the basketball hoop by  2 groups, the groups are Ruru and Kereru both used a netball to throw into hoop because the netball was smaller.

Ruru and Kereru used 2 different hoops and then we came into class and made a blog about basketball.

For the third time we had KH, SH, H, and M that means Kittyhawk, Skyhawk, Harvard, and Mustang.

The house colours are Boys vs Girls. We used the court and played a game, you have to dribble a ball and the opponent also dribbles one to you. Then when you and your opponent meet at the middle you do paper scissors rock and the person who wins dribble to the end of the court and for the loosing person they give the ball the person who is lined up second.

We need a court, 4 basketballs, 6 people or more, and we need to avoid the basketball hoop if we are playing by it.

After we’ve finished playing we go back to class and blog the work we’ve done on the blog we have been working on for the last three times.

We have to write about everything we’ve done this Friday witch is what I have done. 😀

make sure the comment! 🙂


where the wild things are character description

this week for writing Ruru did a character from 4 of the wild things we find on the Ruru sight.

we could make up the name and colour and the choices are found on the writing slide. Click on narrative writing and go on slide 10 for the wild things you can make.

then for the fast finishers make a Pixton of your wild thing.

comment if you enjoyed this post

bye bloggers

reading / Caterpillars create task

for reading this week Ruru had 5 book choices and the book choices. The book choices are, surprise, that’s the idea, caterpillars, no more cats, and the evil drinking fountain.

the book choice i chose this week is caterpillars. for this weeks create task we did a story mapping box and for fast finishers we create a pixton of our story ive finished everything in 3 days!

i hope you like this bye bloggers!


Giant Panda Facts! Read this to learn more about Giant Pandas

this week i finished my own animal report on publishing and i wrote about Giant Panda facts.

If you have any comments click the permalink to type in the bottom.

thanks for reading this 😉

China facts




This week I’ll be writing about Chineses food, culture, location, landmarks and history facts.




1 The most popular dish in China is the kung pao Chicken. 


2 Chinese dishes are symbolic and a diverse range of vegetables are enjoyed in Chinese Cuisine.


3 Rice is China’s most major food.


4 Chinese rice is mainly grown in the Southern part of China.


5 Did you know the food made in CHina is healthy?




1 There are 56 minorities in China and the Chinese Zodiac has a great importance.


2 Emphasis on a family is huge in China and the Chinese tea is more than just something to drink.


3 Chinese kung fu comes with several different styles.


4 China is deeply influenced by confucianism.


5 In China ping pong is the most popular sport in China. 




1 China is located in the southwest of Asia.


2 China is the most popular country.


3 Ancient China’s large land was separated away by big deserts.


4 China is the third biggest country in the world.

5 China is the biggest country in Asia.




1 The most popular Landmark in Asia is the Great Wall.


2 There are 56 World heritage sites in China.


3 The oldest landmark is the Songyue Pagoda.


4 The Great Wall of China is the 2nd most popular landmark in the world.


5 Shanghai is home to many popular landmarks.




1 In the beginning of Ancient China the first parts of the Great Wall were built.


2 The Chinese often say that the China People have had more than 5000 years of history.


3 The bike was first seen in China in the 19th century.


4 When the bike was first seen in China the bike had been used as a luxury item.


5 One of the most popular inventions in China was the paper that we use and before People used paper they used silk, wood, and bamboo or carvings to draw on, and before paper was invented silk was very expensive because of that it is similar to paper.




When I was writing this information report I learned a lot of facts like the Great Wall of China was the most popular landmark in Asia and the Great Wall of China was the 2nd most popular landmark in the world and the first is the eiffel tower.

bye bloggers

the evil drinking fountain reading task

for the reading task Ruru had 5 choices the choices are the evil drinking fountain, surprise, thats the idea, caterpillars and no more cats.

i did the evil drinking fountain and this my create task

this is my task.

Story Mapping Boxes 

After reading your Narrative story, answer the following questions:


What happens at the beginning? 

Who are the main characters? Where is it set? 

How are the characters feeling?

Theres a evil drinking fountain 

Ms Butcher, Cheryl,  Max.

The characters think the drinking fountain because if you drink from it something bad will happen to you.

Build up/ Middle 

What happens next? 

How does the story hint at a problem? 

How are the characters feeling?

Someone new came to the school called Becky and her dad drank from the fountain

If you drink from it will put a cursed.

Afraid from the evil drinking fountain


What is the problem within the story? 

How are the characters feeling?

More people were getting cursed from the evil drinking fountain.



How is this problem resolved/ sorted out? 

How are the characters feeling?

A tornado broke the evil drinking fountain

Happy releaved and safe


How does the story end? 

Does it end happily

How are the characters feeling?

The fountain broke 

The end ends very happily

Happy and safe.