this week i finished my own animal report on publishing and i wrote about Giant Panda facts.

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China facts




This week I’ll be writing about Chineses food, culture, location, landmarks and history facts.




1 The most popular dish in China is the kung pao Chicken. 


2 Chinese dishes are symbolic and a diverse range of vegetables are enjoyed in Chinese Cuisine.


3 Rice is China’s most major food.


4 Chinese rice is mainly grown in the Southern part of China.


5 Did you know the food made in CHina is healthy?




1 There are 56 minorities in China and the Chinese Zodiac has a great importance.


2 Emphasis on a family is huge in China and the Chinese tea is more than just something to drink.


3 Chinese kung fu comes with several different styles.


4 China is deeply influenced by confucianism.


5 In China ping pong is the most popular sport in China. 




1 China is located in the southwest of Asia.


2 China is the most popular country.


3 Ancient China’s large land was separated away by big deserts.


4 China is the third biggest country in the world.

5 China is the biggest country in Asia.




1 The most popular Landmark in Asia is the Great Wall.


2 There are 56 World heritage sites in China.


3 The oldest landmark is the Songyue Pagoda.


4 The Great Wall of China is the 2nd most popular landmark in the world.


5 Shanghai is home to many popular landmarks.




1 In the beginning of Ancient China the first parts of the Great Wall were built.


2 The Chinese often say that the China People have had more than 5000 years of history.


3 The bike was first seen in China in the 19th century.


4 When the bike was first seen in China the bike had been used as a luxury item.


5 One of the most popular inventions in China was the paper that we use and before People used paper they used silk, wood, and bamboo or carvings to draw on, and before paper was invented silk was very expensive because of that it is similar to paper.




When I was writing this information report I learned a lot of facts like the Great Wall of China was the most popular landmark in Asia and the Great Wall of China was the 2nd most popular landmark in the world and the first is the eiffel tower.

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