Maths Task (my task)

hi bloggers today iwill be blogging about my reading task, for this task is all i have to do is to type down the things amount on the google slides and then i have to say witch brand i prefer and why!

what i liked about this task is that me and nathan can team work together because that both of us are doing different tasks!

here are the slides for this task!


thank you for reading my blog and i hope you guys have a great day!

please remember to comment and i will see you next time!

bye bye bloggers!

Reading Create Tasks T3 W9

WALT relate ideas to own experiences and  wider world

hi bloggers, today i will be blogging about my reading create task, today’s book that i am doing is called unwanted visitors. this book is about the border of new zealand and also some of the species that can be bad for our native plants and animals. this book also explains about the diseases that some of the bugs can cause like the stink bug. this bug can be very bad and also can make animals sick. the bug is called the stink bug, The stink bug got its name because that when in winter it isolates in houses and the smell of the bugs stinks! so, remember when you are going to another country or another city in your country you cant have food or drinks in your bag when you are boarding the plane. because that Some food can attract bugs and then they can get to the other country and ruin the environment. 

Scaffolding Text

the scaffolding text is about a person explaining about the fine if you bring food into the country, the fine is $400 New Zealand Dollars. also the text explains that the things that you can not bring too the plane.

Complementary Text

the complementary text talks about the bad bugs or diseases that are found in new zealand or the ones that new zealand dont have.

Challenge Text

the Challenge text is about the biosecurity of new zealands boarder and also the challenge text explains that the Biosecurity for new zeelands is the process of detecting and unwanted weeds, pests and diseases. Agriculture and the natural environment are very important to New Zealand’s economy. New Zealand has a unique but fragile natural ecosystem, which developed without many of the pests in the world. Being a remote group of islands, we can potentially prevent entry of unwanted pests and avoid problems associated with damaging pests and diseases.

Create Task One 

for create task one we are making a flow chart or as a fact sheet about six facts about the book unwanted visiters. here is one of the facts, In new zealand there are species that are very vulnerable so then the viruses and things can easily make them sick. There are a lot of groups of unwanted species and some are in new zealand and some are not.

what i liked about this task is that i can learn a lot more about the bourder of new zealand and the bad bugs and diseases that new zealands has and does not have!

here is my flow chart for create task one!

Create Task Two

now, for create task two we are making a rubbish bin for the house, this task is called design. the design note wants you to make an easy to use rubbish bin and also environmental friendly, the example that the task has said is that it has an automatic sort rubbish machine. one of my things i did is that the Sensors that can sense when a human is by and automatically opens. also, mine is also environmental friendly because that it uses the sun to power up the system.

what i liked about this task is that i can learn a lot about the environment and what can help us humans get easy bins and also good for the energy on earth!
here is my create task two easy to use bin task!

Create Task Three

for create task three i will be making a canva video DLO (digital learning object) about protecting the environment and also not letting any pests go into new zealand, for example what i did is that i said,We have to protect our environment by having boarder patrol for new zealand. one of the bugs that is popular and is causing a lot of environmental problems so we have to look out for this bug. also, diseases can also affect the environment by giving the three poison and then killing the plant. diseases can also affect animals and even humans! they can affect us because that the disease poison can make us sick and then we might die or just be injured. i feel like you guys could also do something like that. so, the first thing we have to do is that we have to go onto canva and then we have to click on video and then make one. after that we have to firstly explain the task that we have to do and then we have to put the stuff that we are supposed to do in it.

what i liked about this task is that i can learn a lot more about protecting the environment We also have to make a statement first witch i think made more sense and also i also liked all of the tasks because think that this weeks tasks are easier than last weeks.


thank you for reading my blog and i hope you guys have learned something too! please remember to comment on my blog and i hope you guys have a great rest of the day (i don’t know what time you are in).

bye bye bloggers!

Maths Mrs Lee is Awsome

hi bloggers, today i will be blogging about my maths task! the first things we are doing is that we will open interactive whiteboard and then we have to do two questions!

what i liked about this task is that i can learn a lot more about maths Comparing!

here is my google drawing!

thank you for reading my blog and i hope you guys have learned something too!

bye bye bloggers!

Maths Numicon Fraction Task

WALT represent decimal fractions with numicon shapes

hi bloggers, today i will be blogging about my maths task i did this week, this task is about working with fractions. for the first step you have to go onto the interactive whiteboard. then, we have to get the decimal baseboard and to show the number you have to put the one on top of the baseboard and fill the baseboard for the fraction number.

what i liked about this task is that i can learn a lot about Numicon and how to show a fraction using numicon shapes and the baseboard!

here is my google drawing!

thank you for reading this blog and i hope you guys have learned something too! please remember to comment and i will see you in the next blog!

bye bye bloggers!

Reading Create Tasks T3 W8

WALT compare and contrast within and between texts

hi bloggers, today i will be blogging about my reading create tasks. today, the book that i chose is called Ice Hockey. this book as you have known by the title this book is about ice hockey, there are lots of rules in ice hockey, like that in the College students at McGill University in Montreal held competitions in 1879 and developed the first known set of hockey rules. Players use long, narrow sticks to shoot pucks, hard, rubber disks into the opposing team’s net. The team with the most goals after three 20-minute periods wins the game. what i liked about this book is that i liked how the facts all have a title and also for this task we can clearly tell that there are a lot of facts!

Scaffolding Text

the Scaffolding text tells us all the rules in hockey and how to play hockey, like that You may only use the flat side of your stick. The ball cannot go in the air, especially on free hits. This is judged by the discretion of the ref. The exception is a shot on goal, as long as there is not a player in the direct line of the ball and no one is in harm’s way.

Complementary text

the complementary text is about in the 2022 Beijing winter Olympics Finland got the first gold medal for ice hockey Olympic gold.

Challenge Text

the challenge text is about the history of ice hockey, like that Ice hockey is a fast, fluid and exciting team sport featuring two teams of six players on ice. It draws big crowds at the Olympic Games thanks to the drama and tension of the matches. also what i liked about this task is that i can learn a lot more about ice hockey!

Create Task One

for create task one there are two options, and the two options are journal story or the fact sheet, because this book is a fact book i will be making a fact sheet. how to do the fact sheet? for the fact sheet we will be doing six facts about Ice Hockey. like one of the facts i did was Ice hockey began in Europe in the 1500’s witch is hundreds of years ago from now. the first thing we need to do is that we have to go on the doc called Ice Hockey. then, we have to make a copy of  the flow chart on the senior learning site. Afterwards, we have to gather six facts from the fact sheet doc. lastly we have to add the six facts that we have gathered off the doc and we have to put it in our own words in the flow chart doc that we have created. then you have finished! remember to save it to your reading folder!!!

what i liked about this task is that i can learn and read more facts about the book ice hockey and also gather down facts that are related to ice hockey! what i also liked about this task is that i can clearly read all of the facts off of the flow chart google drawing! what i do not like about this task is that i think there are too many facts that we have to do on the sheet!

here is my create task one flow chart (fact sheet) about my Ice Hockey create task one!

Create Task Two

for create task two we will be making a Canva DLO (DLO digital learning object) about three questions and then three answers to the questions, like i did, Question one, the first question i will do is that when did ice hockey get made?Answers one ice hockey got made in Europe around the early 1500’s. the first thing we have to do is that we have to firstly make a canva doc, poster, or video. then, we have to go to the ice hockey doc and then gather three things that can make a question. then we have to put the three questions on the doc and then we have to answer all of the questions that you have done under it. then we have finished your create task two task!

what i liked about this task is that i can learn a lot more about ice hockey and i can gather questions and answers to the question! what i also liked about this task is that i can learn the facts and also write them down on the canva doc that i have made! what i did not like about this task is that i think it should say how many questions and answers i should make from this task like that i only made three questions and answers for create task two task.

here is my create task one canva digital learning object about the create task two ice hockey questions and answers task!

Create Task Three

for create task three i will be making a canva doc digital learning object about the problem for a paralympian for the sport that you are doing for your task. i did two problems for my  ice hockey paralympian problem task. these are my two problems, i think the problem for a paralympian is that if they are in a wheelchair they might be slower then the normal paralympian competitors. also, the second problem i did is that if the wheelchair people fall off their wheelchairs they might not be able to get up but they might not be able to play after. so i think how to solve it? to solve it i think the wheelchairs need jet boosters to make them faster and also i think the wheelchairs need rubber things so that when they fall down the rubber things and bounce them up so they don’t fall off the wheelchairs or stop playing and needing someone to life them up. it will make it much easier. the first things we have to do we have to make a canva digital learning object and then we have to add some of the problems that we think a paralympian will face.

what i like about this task is that i can learn a lot more about the feeling and the problems that a paralympian will face. what i also liked about this task is that in this task using canva i have much better features and things not like google docs or slides you can only add shapes or pictures from the internet what i did not like about this task is that it does not tell me how many problems we have to do!

here is my ice hockey canva digital learning object task for create task three!

thank you for reading my blog and i hope you guys have learned something too! please remember to comment and i will see in the next blog!

i hope you guys have a nice day!

be cool!

bye bye bloggers!

Maths Number Line

WALT make connections with fractions on a number line

hi bloggers, today i will be blogging about my maths task, for this task we will be making a number line about the numicon maths task!

what i liked about this task is that i can learn a lot about maths and more about number lines!

here is my numicon interactive whiteboard task!

thanks for reading my blog and i hope you guys have learned something too! please remember to comment on my blog and i will see you in the next blog!

bye bye bloggers!

i hope you guys have a nice rest of the day!


Character Design

hi bloggers, today i will be blogging about my character design PB4L task!

for the task we need to  make a canva poster and then we have to make a picture by typing personalities in the box!

what i liked about this task is that i can learn a lot about personalities.

here is my character design!


thank you for reading my blog and i will see you in the next blog! remember to comment and i hope you have a lovely rest of the day!

bye bye bloggers!

Renewable Energy Canva Video

hi bloggers, today i will be blogging about my Renewable energy inquiry task, for this task we will be making a canva video about the Renewable Energy.

what i liked about this task is that i liked the part when you can do the title, because there are a lot of titles and fonts in canva that i can use!

here is my renewable energy Canva video!


thank you for reading my blog and i hope you guys have learned something too! please remember to comment and i will see you next time bloggers!

bye bye bloggers!

have a nice day!

Reading Create Tasks T3 W7

WALT compare and contrast and between texts

hi bloggers, today i will be blogging about the story that i am doing for this reading create tasks is called Biathlon. This book is about a sport in the winter Olympics. Biathlon is like the triathlon, but in biathlon the sports are different.

Scaffolding text

the scaffolding text is about the rules about Biathlon. The biathlete shoots four times at any shooting lane (lanes 1–15 are prone, while lanes 16–30 are for standing), in the order of prone, standing, prone, standing, totaling 20 targets. For each missed target, a fixed penalty time, usually one minute.

Complementary text

i can not see the complementary text because it says that this video is not available for my account.

Challenge text

this text is all about everything about biathlon! here is one of the facts, The word “biathlon” stems from the Greek word for two contests, and is today seen as the joining of two sports: skiing and shooting. Biathlon has its roots in survival skills practised in the snow-covered forests of Scandinavia, where people hunted on skis with rifles slung over their shoulders.

Create task one

for create task one we will be making a fact sheet about the book biathlon. the first thing you have to do is that you have to firstly go to the reading slide on the senior learning site and then you have to go on the Kereru reading slide go to slides 8. then you can go onto the biathlon book by clicking on the biathlon person.
what i liked about this task is that i can learn a lot of the facts about the biathlon and did you know that the biathlon has been part of the Winter Olympics since 1968 for men and the biathlon in 1992 is when the women biathlon begun?
what i did not like bout this task is that in this task you have to put too much facts!
here is my create task one for the fact sheet about the book biathlon!
Create Task Two
for create task two i will be blogging about the design slot, for design we will be making a shirt for your athlete. the first thing i did is that i used the shapes in Google Drawing and then i changed the colours of the shapes that i used. the last thing i did is that i used the select button and selected line, that let me draw straight lines and then i used the text box ability and then i typed in all the things and what will make them useful. here is one of the things that help my athlete with the shirt, this part repels snow onto the ground and also warms your body from the freezing snow.
what i liked about this task is that i want to design something that i can design, but then i want to create my own!
here is my shirt for biathlon create task two!

Create Task Three

for create task three i made a canva DLO (digital learning object) about the rules of biathlon. the  first thing i did is that i put some facts on the canva DLO. the next thing i did is that i searched on google for a picture of the biathlon sign. then, i dragged the picture onto the canva DLO. when you have to blog the blog you probably need your canva DLO. i will show you how, the first thing you have to do is that you have to click on share, then, you have to go to the three dots which said more. after, you have to scroll up and click on embed.

what i liked about this task is that i can learn a lot about biathlon and i can learn the rules of the sport biathlon!

here is my canva DLO about my create task threee Rules Of Biathlon!

thank you for reading my blog and i hope you guys have learned something too!

i will see you next time!

bye bye bloggers!

Maths Shape Patterns

WALT Investigate angles in tessallations ( slide 1 )

hi bloggers, today i will be blogging about my maths task.

for today’s task we will have to make tessallations about the shapes.

the first thing i did is that i drew a sheet of cubes. then, i coloured all the sides in a different colour!

what i liked about this task is that i can learn a lot about tessallations!

here is the photo of the task i did

thank your for reading my blog and i will see you in the next blog!

i will see you next time!

have a nice day!

bye bye bloggers!